Thursday, July 5, 2007

Donate please!!

I am using this journal for my participation in the Blogathon 2007 on Saturday, July 28. Blogathon begins at 6:00 am Pacific Standard Time and runs for 24 full hours, with a new entry every 30 minutes. I am blogging for the VH1 Save the Music Foundation, a charity organization that works to restore instrumental music programs in public schools in America. In the last ten years, Save the Music has donated more than $34 million worth of new instruments to schools across the country, affording over 800,000 public school students an opportunity to understand music and learn an instrument.

What I need from you, dear readers, is a pledge or donation. You can choose to donate a flat fee, or make an hourly pledge. Please follow this link to submit your pledge or donation.

I'm hoping to blog mainly about music. If you've got anything you'd like to see, let me know! Please come back on July 28 as I attempt to write 48 entries in 24 hours.



Julia Hanneman said...

I don't know if that link works. I just came online for the first time and I can't get to the donate page. It wants a username.

Julia Hanneman said...

nevermind. i get it. lol.