Saturday, July 28, 2007

#37 - The Big Move

Okay, so I relocated up to my bedroom. However, this gives me two new concerns.

First, it is really freaking hot up here. Especially when I have my door closed (I normally leave it open to let air move, but I also normally don't have my light on at 3am) and have a computer sitting on my bed. It's on a cooling tray, but that's the best I can do since I don't have a usable desk. I have a desk, but it is covered with an Amiga DOS Commodore II. Awesome as that computer may be, it was built before the internet and will really be of no use to me during the Blogathon.

Second, I'm hoping that I might get more sleepy since I'm sitting on my bed with my big comfy boyfriend pillow behind me.

Before I came up, I grabbed a nice cold bottle of green tea (with ginseng! and honey!) which will hopefully help me with both of these issues. I've already changed out of my t-shirt and jeans into a camisole and boxers. This one bottle of tea isn't gonna last me for six more hours! Ah well... I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.


Lisa said...

Won't the heat make you sleepy? It would for me. I am getting into the silence here and watching my cats be very confused about what time it is and what I am doing awake.

You're almost at the end! :)

kd said...

It might. It's cooled off quite a bit now that I've been up here for a while, so I'm hoping it stays like this!

Thanks for stopping by to say hi, and thanks for the sponsorship!! :D

Julia Hanneman said...

maybe i'll do this yesterday and we can keep each other awake.