Saturday, July 28, 2007

#28 - Ocarina of Time

Okay, this is the last video post I'll do for a while.

This is a string quartet at James Madison University performing in a student's senior recital. Gamers may recognize the songs. But even those who don't can still enjoy it!! :)


Julia Hanneman said...

my contacts are dry.

kd said...


Jamie said...

I am enjoying your blog! I randomly came across your blog on the "Blogs updated at. . ."
I have to say, I LOVE Deadliest Catch! I can't seem to change the channel if it is on. I love Sig and his crew on the Northwestern. They always seem to be 'on the crab'. I often think of going to Alaska to be a greenhorn.
Topics you could always blog about:
-Any hobby you have always thought about trying but haven't and why.
-Your favorite movie.
-Wisdom you think you could give 'kids' younger than you that would help them in life.
-What TV character you would love to be like?
-Why the person writing this is such a dork!
Thanks for the enjoyment!

Jamie said...

And by person writing this, I meant the person writing in the comment section . . .me, not you! Sorry, thought I would clarify!

Unknown said...

I need to send this to my friend Emily.